Google Content Update: Here’s how you should Adapt your SEO content strategy.


Understanding the Dynamic Nature of SEO & Google Content Update:

In the ever-evolving landscape of SEO, staying ahead is the key to success. The dynamics of search engines are constantly changing, and so should your SEO content strategy. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the essential steps to adapt to the latest Google Content update and ensure your content stands out in the digital realm.

Here are the Following steps you should Follow To Adapt Content Strategy.

Matching Keyword Intent Perfectly:

Intent is what the searcher is looking to achieve when they search a keyword phrase on Google. So, let’s say your keyword phrase is “best buffet in Nashville.” Go to Google and analyze the first page of results. What are some commonalities you’re seeing? In this case, I see that list posts tend to perform well. So, I’d focus on creating something similar but better and more helpful.

Benefits of High-Effort Content Creation
Find a Unique content Angle:

Google wants to reward original, helpful content created for people in search results. Here’s how I do it for “best buffet in Nashville.” I’d go to Every Buffet, document my experience, and then create an in-depth list post that ranks them. I’d title it something like “I tried 14 best buffets in Nashville, here’s number one.” You will easily outperform most of the top results because you created something original, and it’ll also help you build a moat around your content because your competitors won’t be willing to invest the time or effort into content. investing in your content almost always works, while taking Shortcuts are a recipe for trouble in the long run.

Easier Promotion and Backlink Attraction:

The high-effort content is also easier to promote and will likely attract more backlinks. So, look for an angle that hasn’t been used before, and you don’t need to do something dramatically different either. It depends on the competition, but sometimes just having a better user experience can help you win in some search results.

Obsession Over User Experience:

Google says it’ll reward content where visitors feel they’ve had a satisfying experience.

A satisfying experience starts with search intent. Is your content a 100% apples-to-apples match for the keyword? The next part will likely be based on how the user interacts with your page. According to Google, they use aggregated and anonymized interaction data to assess whether search results are relevant to queries.

Utilizing UX Best Practices:

No one knows for sure what interaction data Google is using, but we can make some educated guesses based on standard UX best practices. So, I recommend starting with your page loading speed. Run your page through Google Page Speed Insights and make sure it performs well on both mobile and desktop. Then, I recommend looking at your page’s engagement rate inside of Google Analytics 4.

Leveraging UX Tracking Tools:

Engagement rate is like a report card for your website. It tells you how many people did something meaningful on your site, like staying for more than 10 seconds, clicking on different pages, or buying something. If it is low, it means there is potential for improvement on the page. There are many variables that affect user experience, but it’s better to use data to your advantage. That’s why I highly recommend using a UX tracking tool like Mouse flow or Hotjar to see how users are engaging with your content. Once you have the data, you can then run intelligent SEO tests. I recommend to test different headlines, intros, or even the angle of your content.

Prune Content That’s Dragging your Site Down:

According to Google, removing unhelpful content may improve the rankings of your other content. Now, before you go and start deleting stuff, there’s an easy way to attack this. Connect the GA4 Google Search Console and Ahrefs APIs in Screaming Frog, then run a crawl. Add the report to a Google Sheet after downloading it. Now, filter your results for pages that have zero traffic from GA4, zero impressions from Google Search Console, and zero backlinks from Ahrefs. Any page that meets these criteria is a good candidate for deletion.

Utilizing Chat GPT for Content Assessment:

Use ChatGPT to grade your SEO content. Put a simple prompt in here directly from Google’s guidelines. Then, in the content section, put the content in and start the analysis. ChatGPT will go ahead and grade this content. This isn’t 100% accurate, but it works exceptionally well to give you a general idea of how good the content is. Use this to your advantage to look for opportunities to improve the content even more.

Studying and Emulating Successful SEO Content:
  • Case Study: Learning from Successful Content Models:

Emulate helpful SEO content. Find content that’s performing well in very competitive industries and use that angle in a different niche that’s less competitive. In this case, I’m looking at a sleep calculator created by the Sleep Foundation. This is a great piece of helpful content. It has a lot of value, and they get right into it, showing key takeaways right away. There’s a nice table of contents, easy to share, and a cool calculator that works well. Below that, they have deeper-level content that you can dig into.

At the end of the day, this is a very well-designed page. When you’re thinking about how to create a very helpful page, that’s what it comes down to. It’s not about content versus design; it’s about building a very helpful page for someone. If that includes some sort of software or a tool, the content itself, the design, the user experience—all of these things matter. When you look at this page, it is very well-designed, easy to read, and adds a lot of value. Everything on this page is 100% unique to their brand. They have unique images, videos, specific to their brand. There’s been a lot of content investment in this, and that’s what’s going to make the difference long term.

SEO Strategies: Broad vs. Exceptional Asset Targeting:

There are different strategies in SEO. You can go for a broad strategy and target a lot of keywords, or you can create exceptional assets that are difficult to beat. When you invest in content like this, it tends to attract more links. So, it’s much more beneficial to go this route than any other route. Look at other examples like ratings, Investopedia, and Healthline.

Tags: Blog

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